Do you imagine relationships with someone of the same gender?.Who do you usually have crushes on? Is it mainly someone of the same gender?.What Causes Sexual Orientation? Questions to Ask Yourself If you think you might be gay or lesbian, here are some things to ask yourself:.These feelings may be an indication of someone's sexual orientation, or they may not. It is also normal for teens to have sexual feelings for same and opposite gender partners. That's for you to determine! Questioning Your Sexual Orientation It is perfectly normal for teens to question their sexual orientation. I would NEVER NO MATTER HOW DRUNK I WAS EVER SLEEP WITH SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX I AM NOT A HOMO! O.o Must have been really drunk.
In- compleste -love! He proposed to me the other day/ I proposed to her the other day:). Are you Straight Bi or Flaming Gay? Maybe i should consider being gay.